
Jfk reloaded deal with it gif
Jfk reloaded deal with it gif

Okay, here's the quote: "Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. Tell us about exactly how many times it was that you spoke with and questioned Henry Heiberger,no doubt, inquiring minds want to know. There are those who may be a self-proclaimed expert on how tailored clothing fits, and there are those of us who actually examined the factual evidence. The "Control" sample location for the back wound penetration was taken from within the left inseam of the coat. Lastly, one can not help but notice that CE393 does not show the underside of the collar from where Henry Heiberger actually took his "control" sample. *Henry is now long deceased and it is most unlikely that anyone here has the necessary qualifications to bring him back from the dead in order to fully qualify where he took his "control" sample from.īut, for those who can read, his notes will tell that he took it from UNDER the collar. Might I recommend that they do as I long ago did, acquire a Carcano & ammo, and then proceed to shoot the bullets through a coat similar to that worn by JFK.Ī true/almost straight-on hit is almost impossible to see, other than close-up.Īnd, if they will also acquire the laboratory notes of Henry Heiberger* they will see that Henry ran a spectrographic analysis test on the liner portion of this hole and came up with a "positive" for copper. Since it is a complete waste of time to argue with someone such as yourself, who actually knows virtually nothing relative to the factual evidence, then for those who may have curosity as to whether or not the hole is in fact slightly "elongated":

jfk reloaded deal with it gif

Which of course leaves the slightly elongated hole which is located just below the bottom edge of the collar as being the bullet entrance point for the third/last/final shot impact.

Jfk reloaded deal with it gif